I was prepared to be dismissive toward Clay's long-overdue coming out day, but after reading the People magazine story, I couldn't help but feel a little proud. He's a gay dad! Go, gay dads, go!
In honor of this blog's title, here are my updates...
Research: I have completed two interviews! They were a lot of fun, and went much better than I expected. Yay. I have also been applying for jobs. I sent two out a couple of days ago, and I have seven more ready to go tomorrow. I cannot wait to have them all gone. Take them, search committees, and do what you will!
Politics: I have become a total political junky. I listen to NPR nonstop, despite getting only partial reception near my school site. I ignore almost all other NY Times stories in favor of the election (and occasionally, Wall Street). I have increased my daily reading to Talking Points Memo (multiple times a day), The Note, Roll Call, Politico, Huffington Post, the New Republic, and the Washington Post's political browser. It's sick, people. Really. If I don't finish my dissertation, you know why.
The Midwest: On the bumper sticker countdown, I have spied two more McCain bumper stickers, to 0 for Obama.
And on the age front...a teacher asked for my "hall pass" today, before realizing I was not a student. And one of my interviewees thought I was 23. The moisterizer is working :)
Chouquettes: French Cream Puff Recipe
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
I love a travel blog. :)
What's the Dayton Daily's reporting like these days? Is it pro-Bama or McSucky?
Although Ohio has disappointed me many times before, I remain hopeful that this will be the year we swing. (Part of me is still hopeful that we actually swung in 2004, despite Blackwell & Diebold's machinations.)
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