This year was supposed to be the year in which I applied for my ideal jobs, but didn't worry if they didn't come through. However, with the economy in a slump, I wonder whether I just need to take a job--any job--and hunker down until the recession (depression?) is over. Seriously, there may not be jobs available next year. This is frightening. I wonder whether I will end up being a secondary school teacher if things get really bad. Which wouldn't be terrible, except that I could have been doing that five years ago. I emailed my advisors to ask whether I need to apply to more jobs this year. I am also applying for a post-doc in Stockholm, since leaving the country is becoming an increasingly attractive option.
Other updates...
Research: 19 interviews down, 41 to go. I have started to have some insights into the larger story of the research, although obviously I have more to go. I think there will be a gender socialization angle to this chapter. The girls I interview seem to be drawn to the health field because they want to "help" people. And this appears tied to their feelings of competence for caring. Yet while nearly everyone cites wanting to help people as a reason for pursuing these careers, no one can explain why helping people is important to them.
Politics: I went running yesterday for 5 miles (quite an accomplishment in my current fitness regime), and I tried to count all the political lawn signs I passed. On the main street, there were only a few--two for McCain and one for Obama. Looking down the streets into neighborhoods, I saw that about half of the houses had signs in front. Although McCain outnumbered Obama, it was pretty divided--in some places, nearly every-other house had an Obama sign and every-other house had a McCain sign. Wonder what those neighbors think of each other.
The Midwest: I have started to restrict my running to the neighborhood near my parent's house, rather than going on the path near the river. The path is a clean, well-paved road devoted to running and biking, and it extends for miles around the area. And yet, no one uses it. And after I passed a man waking up from a drunken nap under an overpass, I decided the neighborhoods were safer. Boo.
Chouquettes: French Cream Puff Recipe
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
I have been following some online discussions of the economic situation and academic jobs. The general sentiment seems to be that next year will be a much tighter job market but it is not affecting this year because budget lines were generally approved before things tanked. I know some colleges have seen their endowments really take a huge hit from slumping investments.
On the other hand, some feel that the academic job market is fairly insulated from economic shifts and we have a couple positives. First, economic downturns tend to push people towards college as a way to re-skill or because the job market out of HS looks dim. Therefore higher enrollments could keep professors in jobs. Also, those baby boomers are retiring (assuming they can afford to!) which will open new positions.
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