It's been a while, but here are some recent news gems that have featured sociologists:
1. You shouldn't settle down with your first love? (Ooops! My bad.) British sociologists argue that "puppy love" doesn't set the stage for long-term happiness. I am unclear whether their definition of puppy love is simply the fact of being in a first long-term relationship, or whether they had some other measure of attitudes and dispositions. Sounds fishy to me.
2. Sociologists measure crowds! Clark McPhail metaphorically rains on Obama's parade--the crowd may have been a paltry million.
3. Maybe the NSF will fund me now. A sociologist was appointed to the second-ranking NSF spot.
4. My favorite combination. Sociologist Gary Alan Fine wrote a book about food. Sociology and food...what could be better? Gary Alan Fine, by the way, has a food blog (a man after my own heart). And it's called...Veal Cheeks.
5. Why do real liberals live in Carrboro and pseudo-liberals live in Chapel Hill? That's right, social networks. Sociologists love them because they explain damn near anything.
Chouquettes: French Cream Puff Recipe
2 weeks ago
4. pretty much everything that GAF does rocks my world. including editing SPQ, which continues to reject my articles but still makes me happy.
5. real liberals don't live in carrboro. they live in durham, where there's is a good chance they will rub up against someone of a different color, age, or religion every time they do their laundry at Bull City Suds. i won't say anything overtly mean about carrboro, but i have to point out that when your city-wide population of white 60's activists on bicycles exceds 80%, you ain't very "diverse". not that you get anything different in chapel hill (motto: home of really freaking rich white liberals who oppose racism but are fine with conspicuous consumption)...
RE: #1-- 7 years, I believe, does not qualify as "puppy love."
No, but the point was that you shouldn't settle down with the first person you fall in love with, which I did. :)
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