1) I now officially hate my dissertation. I feel like I might not make it in time to defend on the date I chose. And if I do, I'll still be embarrassed to defend it. Does everyone feel like this, or is it just me?
2) I joined Twitter. I haven't been twittering myself, I joined to follow others. So let me know if you...twitter? tweet? twit? Anyway, let me know and I will follow you.
3) I secretly (okay, not so secretly) despise Elizabeth Edwards. I know she's supposed to be our favorite martyr, but I find her so self-righteous and full of herself. I have felt this way for a couple of years now, ever since her nasty comments about her choices (to stay home with her kids) made her a happier person than Hillary Clinton. But apparently people are catching on. Or at least they are questioning her complicity in Edward's affair debacle. That's a start.
4) Maine legalized gay marriage. Yay, Maine!
Chouquettes: French Cream Puff Recipe
2 weeks ago
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