In honor of the craziness of my recent dreams and Anne, who blogs about her own dreams, I thought I would post mine here. Normally, I have no memory of dreaming. I can go months without recalling a single dream. When I do remember them, they are usually vague and ordinary. But no. Something is seriously wrong with my brain:
1) Two nights ago, I dreamed that a friend of mine, who is a grad student in another department, was leading a bloody coup to assassinate the current president of the ASA in favor of another. In my dream, the current president was a member of our department, but was not anyone who has ever been an ASA president. The new choice was from our department as well. In my dream, I felt that my friend and her co-conspirators were being a bit extreme, so I tried to talk her out of it. Still, as most of the attendees of the conference were seated in a large, outdoor stadium waiting for the president's speech, the current leader was murdered (outside the stadium) and the new president prevailed. It was all very Julius Caesar-esque.
2) Last night, I dreamed that I was grieving over an old friend's death. This friend, according to my dream, had been about to embark on a cross-country race that involved running, biking and swimming (like an ironman, but across several states) with some other college friends (Elana, that includes you). The details of my friend's death were hazy. When we arrived at her home, however, she was actually alive. Stricken by relief, I volunteered to join my friends on their race, only afterwards realizing that I didn't bike or swim well and that my running was hampered by recent injuries. This is where it gets weird. Our race was not marked, so I was running along streets and inside buildings while other runners passed me, heading in all directions. I had no idea where I was going. At what point, I began to run up a down escalator, when a herd of unicorns descended the same escalator and began to attack me. Shortly after this, our running/biking/swimming group went to dinner, where the bathroom consisted of a series of sinks in the kitchen of the restaurant. At this point, I woke up.
So, those are my dreams. Thoughts?
Chouquettes: French Cream Puff Recipe
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
0) w00t!
1) You are still a Shakespearian at heart. Also, I think you are looking forward to being done with grad school.
2) Almost always, when I have to run in my dreams, it's like I'm trying to do it underwater. It's like how it feels in real life when you're so depressed you feel like you could die of sadness, right there on the spot, but you're outisde and can't just stand there feeling sad, so you walk very, very slowly. I'm impressed that you can really run in your dreams.
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