I am about two months away from my dissertation defense date (June 18). That is, if it isn't pushed back. When I was in Chapel Hill, one of my advisors warned me that they could decide I wasn't ready, and could push back the date. She told me at least twice that I "had time" to push it back if necessary.
Except that I have an appointment with the beach on June 20. And I intend to make it. So now I am in full-panic mode, trying to get this mess of three drafted chapters into a polished (okay, adequate) dissertation with introduction and conclusion. On top of this, I need to write another paper draft in a week in order to meet with a co-author at PAA. And I am going to Beijing in mid-May. I am regretting that decision.
Anyway, not much new to share. I visited Chapel Hill, which was awesome. I plan to discuss the game and share pictures, eventually.
In other news...
1) I think it is laughable that the Somali pirates are so "outraged" about the killings of their comrades, and now vow revenge. You...get that you were holding someone hostage, right?
2) Also, I think I have finally decided to buy white strips for my teeth. They are too yellow. I'm just scared of the whole bleached-teeth thing, and worried I will do some sort of damage. Also, it would be better to bleach them over a period of time when I was not drinking coffee. This will not happen until late June/July. Hm.
3) I have almost completed the very loooong process of eliminating walk breaks from my running. Basically, ever since I ran my first marathon in the Fall of 2005, I have had recurring knee injuries. At first, it was my IT Band. I spent a year and a half recovering from that. Eventually, I started a marathon training program and got up to 14 miles in the summer of 2007. Then I stupidly moved furniture all day and went running the next day. Hello, runner's knee! This was much more persistent. By winter that year, I couldn't run 2.5 miles without pain. So I started a very long program of building up. I added more yoga, started cycling, cut running to 3x/week, and began running with walk breaks. Finally, I have almost phased out the walking, and I will soon be adding a fifth day of running to my week. Woo-hoo! I definitely credit the cycling and yoga. I did PT exercises for a while, and they were worthless. Mostly, I just needed to build strength in areas that were weak. Or at least, that seems to have been what happened. I'm only running 7.5 miles on my long days, but I dream of more...
Chouquettes: French Cream Puff Recipe
2 weeks ago
i tried the white strips and they really hurt my teeth.
Hm. Well, I didn't end up buying them because I decided to wait until a time when I wouldn't be drinking coffee (post-diss). Are your teeth normally sensitive? Mine are, and I have seen that this can be a problem. I have used the liquid whitening stuff that you paint on, and that never hurt. I suppose I should consult my dentist.
i do have very sensitive teeth. the mild ones i tried didn't hurt but also didn't do anything. the super-powerful ones really did hurt. my dentist said that the white strips can damage the enamel, but she may have been saying that to try and sell me on the idea of laser whitening.
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