I am returning to Philadelphia tomorrow. I had a great time here, but am homesick for Alison, my cat, my apartment, and walking as the primary mode of transportation. So all in all, I am looking forward to going back. The drive...not so much. But it will be okay. I'm used to long drives.
Anyway, some (maybe) interesting things:
A.O. Scott reviewed Wendy and Lucy and had this to say (among other things): "'Wendy and Lucy' is rated R (Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian). It has some swearing, a little drug use and a brief implication of violence, but no nudity, sex or murder. The rating seems to reflect, above all, an impulse to protect children from learning that people are lonely and that life can be hard." --I found this really disheartening. It's okay for adolescents to discover that life is hard. I think they probably know anyway.
More does not equal too much
This article dispels some of the myth around auto workers' salaries (it was also reported earlier by Media Matters). One additional point: just because workers in American auto plants make more than workers at foreign plants, it does not mean they necessarily make too much. Maybe the rest of us don't make enough...
Since Alison has been posting her "crush of the week", I thought I would post a list of my crushes. They are in no particular order, because my preferences change day to day:
-Tina Fey
-Amy Poehler
-Campbell Brown
-Roselyn Sanchez
-Rachel Maddow
-Seth Meyers
Chouquettes: French Cream Puff Recipe
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
I would like to clarify that my crushes of the week are not usually people with whom I would cheat on my wife (though some are, and some I have permission to... Angelina Jolie, in case you're reading this-- call me!) but more often than not they people who have made my week better through their fabulousness. When you're in the depths of dissertation hate, it's pretty hard to make your week better, so I like to give these individuals their due.
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