So here I am, home for the holidays (Christmas, since we're all lapsed Catholics). Ohio is...cold. But it's nice to be with my parents. Unfortunately, I'm spending a lot of time working, which my stepmother is trying to not-so-subtly subvert. It's cute, actually. She thinks I work too much.
I drove to Ohio because we cannot have friends look after our cat--at age 18, she requires three pills a day and thrice weekly injections of subcutaneous fluids. Alison and I are practically vet techs at this point. I listened to NPR for most of the way, and I caught this gem. Now, I'm not usually interested in prodigies, and I'm not a big sucker for the "cute kid" gimmick. But Ethan Bortnick is really something special. Listen to the interview--a transcript will not do it justice.
Chouquettes: French Cream Puff Recipe
2 weeks ago
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